世界衛生組織(World Health Organization,WHO)宣佈2022 年世界無菸日全球運動為「菸草:對我們環境的威脅(Tobacco: Threat to our environment)」。該活動旨在提高公眾對菸草影響環境影響的意識(從種植,生產,供應、使用到廢棄)。而這將給菸草消費者一個額外的戒菸理由。
以下依照不同的對象進行行動呼籲。(Calls to Action)
一般大眾(General public)
1. 給吸菸者再一個戒菸理由:戒菸對健康和環境均有助益。
(Give tobacco users an extra reason to quit. Quitting tobacco benefits your health and the
2. 支持禁止一次性塑料製品(用於紙菸濾嘴、無煙菸草袋和電子廢棄物)的政策行動。
(Support policy action around ban on single use plastics which include cigarette butts,
smokeless tobacco pouches and electronic waste.)
3. 提高對菸商「漂綠(greenwashing)」策略之意識。
(Raise awareness of the tobacco industry’s greenwashing tactics.)
4. 支持政府對菸商徵收附加稅以保護環境。
(Support governments on additional levies/taxes on industry to protect the environment.)
青少年及未來世代(Youth and future generations)
1. 倡導100%無菸學校,以保護兒童和青少年免於一手、二手和三手菸暴露。
Advocate for 100% tobacco free schools to protect children and youth from exposure to
direct, second-hand and third-hand smoke.
2. 開始或加入保護環境的運動,提升大眾(尤其是青少年)對於菸草對環境之影響的意
Start or join a movement to protect the environment. Raise awareness about the
environmental impact of tobacco and sensitize the public, in particular the youth.
3. 支持減少化學品與減少碳足跡,以保護年輕族群免受環境菸草廢棄物之不良影響。
Support the reduction of chemicals, including the carbon footprint to protect the younger
generation for the ill effects of environmental tobacco waste.
4. 減少菸草零售商數量。
Reduce the number of tobacco retail stores.
行政官員及政策制定者(Ministries and policymakers)
1. 對菸商實施「生產者責任延伸(Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR)」政策措施,要
求他們對清理菸草產品廢棄物(Tobacco Product Waste, TPW)的成本負責。
Impose the EPR policy principle on the tobacco industry to hold them accountable for the
cost of cleaning up TPW.
2. 針對菸商製造商、供應商以及消費者加以徵收環境稅,因應整個供應鏈產生的碳排放
Impose an environmental tax levy on the tobacco manufacturers, distributors and the
consumer, across the supply chain for carbon emissions, air pollution and other
environmental costs.
3. 實施菸草控制策略 (MPOWER)以減少菸草對環境之影響。
Implement tobacco control (MPOWER measures) to minimize the environmental impact of
4. 支持菸農轉向替代性、可持續的生計方案,以符合「世界衛生組織菸草控制框架公
約」第17 條及第18 條。
Support tobacco farmers to switch to alternative, sustainable livelihoods, in line with Art 17
and 18 of WHO FCTC.
5. 建議政府藉由2022 年11 月即將在開羅舉行的國際氣候締約國大會,以合作方式促進
Advise governments on how to leverage the COP of International Climate in Cairo in
November 2022 to collaborate and advance the tobacco control agenda in line with World
No Tobacco Day.
非政府組織(NGO)及公民社會(NGOs and civil Society)
1. 提升公民社會與非政府組織對於菸草整個生命週期(從種植、生產、供應、使用到廢
Raise awareness of the environmental impact of tobacco across the life cycle from
cultivation, production, distribution, use and waste.
2. 在公共場所與社區展示菸草廢棄物問題。
Showcase the tobacco waste problem in public spaces and communities
3. 提升對改種其他不同農作物好處,以及這與菸害防制間更廣泛連結的意識。
Raise awareness of the benefits of switching to different crops and how it is linked to
tobacco control more broadly.
4. 對國家禁止一次性使用之塑膠性製品的倡議。
Advocate for national bans on single use plastics.
5. 揭露菸商透過自行宣傳對其環境友善之行銷方式來「漂綠」其名聲和產品的策略與努
Expose tobacco industry tactics and efforts to “greenwash” its reputation and products by
marketing themselves as environmentally friendly.
菸農(Tobacco farmers)
Switch to sustainable and environmentally friendly crops providing a greater return on
investment in terms of health and wealth.
學術界和跨政府組織(包括聯合國機構和開發金融機構)(Academia and intergovernmental
organisations including UN agencies and development banks)
1. 收集用水、森林砍伐,以及菸草產品中致命與惡化環境的化學成分資料,以及這些化
Collect data on water use, deforestation, and the lethal and environmentally degrading
chemicals in tobacco products and the environmental harm of these components on soil,
drinking water, human and animal health.
2. 評估菸品與菸草產品廢棄物對環境的整體影響。
Estimate the total impact of tobacco product waste as well as the total environmental impact
of one tobacco product.
3. 提高對種植菸草國家相關菸害防制或轉型之方案/計畫的意識,例如:肯亞數百名農
Raise awareness of projects in tobacco growing countries, for example in Kenya where
hundreds of farmers successfully switched to alternative crops, as well as deforestation and
climate change projects in East Africa.
4. 提升對於「菸草對環境影響」與「健康結果(不良發展結果)」間關係的意識。
Raise awareness of the linkages between environmental impact of tobacco and health
outcomes, linking it to adverse development outcomes.
5. 提醒利益關係人:加速實施「世界衛生組織菸草控制框架公約」(FCTC)之持續發展
是聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)具體目標(目標3A)
Remind stakeholders that accelerated implementation of the WHO Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is an SDG 3A target.
1. 菸草對我們環境的威脅:https://www.who.int/news/item/13-12-2021-protect-theenvironment-world-no-tobacco-day-2022-will-give-you-one-more-reason-to-quit
2. 行動呼籲:https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-no-tobacco-day/2022/calls-toaction
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